Connie Connely

Blood Cancer Community Advocate Connie ConnelyI taught special education classes for 39 years. My goal was to teach 40, but my health wouldn't allow it. I was tired all the time and lacked energy. One week after I checked out of school for the final time in 2017, I learned that I have Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS). This was something I had never heard of, so I started a new chapter of my life. I am learning all I can about MDS.

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I keep busy, I have researched my ancestry back to the Revolutionary War, so I am a member of DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution). I volunteer for Meals on Wheels and Centenarians of Oklahoma. I mail birthday cards to those who reach the age of 100 in our state. My favorite volunteer job is reading aloud to second graders. When I keep a schedule and have places to be and things to do, I feel stronger and more positive.

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